Sunday, April 3, 2011

Todays Training

Training for today -
1. Run - bike path 5.10 (Bikilas)
2. Maxwells circuit -@12kgs
3. Pushup circuit -20/10/10/10 (reg/close/wide/pike)
4. Pullups - 1x5

Maxwell Circuit is from top trainer Steve Maxwell and consist of clean and press, overhead squat, windmill and snatch. All done with a single bell and switching hands through each exercise fater perfroming 10 reps. That's one circuit and Steve recoomends working up to 3 circuits. Great workout and done with a light weight it's a great mobility and condition set - heavy for strength, added cardio and condition is another great way too.
Top off the week at 50.69 and I'm ready to start taking the volume up this week - 60's the goal but I'll take what I get between that and this weeks 50.
Thanks for eading!

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