Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekend Training and Thoughts on CAT50k

1. Run - trail 6.5

1. Run Trail 4.0
2. Long cycle -@22kgs 3:00
3. Pushups -50 reps
4. Plank - 1:00

Have to regroup from a not too successful training run on CAT Saturday - the race is still doable for us all but a re-commitment of faith in training and a full embrace of discomfort will definitely be in order. This is a rough, hard trail and to run it even partial is amazing let alone 31. The key is (as says the title of the book0 Relentless, Forward, Progress - we don't have to move fast - just steady and with purpose. It's the purpose we often (especially on hills) forget. This is wear the person in front of you helps - beat that person, just that one, can become all important and add momentum (purpose) to our steps. As we pass we can wish that person well and urge them forward too - it's our turn to be the rabbit. Miles can pass quickly in this fashion and a race can prove successful even in the grip of what may seem defeat. And if for some reason we must drop - we can hope our efforts have enabled success for our fellow runners, we have given a piece of ourselves to the trail and effort, and we have enjoyed the company of other fine runners and the beauty of our surroundings. That's the big Picture.

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