Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Todays Workout and Thoughts on Tempo Run

Training for today -

1. Long cycle -@20kgs 7:00 28 reps
2. Pushups -2x25
3. Plank -1;00
4. Run - bike path 5.14


1 mile warm up/3 mile tempo/1 mile cool down.

Renewed tempo works began today and I'll carry it right on up (and beyond) to Baltimore marathon and Stonemill 50 mile. The plan (as always tenative and subject to change)is to have a tempo run as one of three focused runs during the week - with the long run, and second day semi long run the other two. I would like to work up to 13+ miles (18 even better) at my tempo pace. Preparing for MD Half-marathon I would work up to 8+ (10+ once)tempo runs and ran a pretty decent race that day. It's a fun workout as you're just on the cusp of an all out effort but with enough sense to keep from stepping over. It really is a workout designed to get one comfortable with discomfort. Sounds fun right?

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