Friday, July 22, 2011

Guidance From a Likely Source

Ask for guidance.
Wake up each morning and ask to be guided towards peace, love and a forgiving attitude when our steps stray from this path or we fail to heed this inner voice.
A Course in Miracles urges us to turn to the Holy Spirit and seek its council through our day. The Holy Spirit (in this regard) can be thought of as our direct link from God to us - a link only needed in recognition to what we have forgotten. We are at once at home with God and projected here as an illusion of separation. The Holy Spirit is the voice that calls us home. When we ask for guidance we are in turn asking for a homeward taste of heaven in a brief moment of a crisis in identity. We have simply forgotten our kingdom within. Of course this is terminology - Holy Spirit is a force of no name that extends from God to us all - call it what you will - yet call it just the same to reach its comfort.


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