Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Training for Today and CAT50K Thoughts (yes more)

1. Jerk set- @22kgs 3:00
2. Swings- @24kg 3x20
3. Pushups - 60 (2:30)
4. Plank- 1:00

No running today - thought a rest day after the tempo run and jerks today would do me better than an actual run would. Easy 3 tomorrow and then off Friday. Then it's race day. A little voice in the back of my mind is urging me to try and break 8 hours - which is no easy feat for Catoctin. Matt and Moca seem fine in my solo run but it's definitely rewarding to play a part in anothers accomplishment and Moca dropped from this last year and both her and Matt have a real shot at making it this year - the training is there and now it's mind that will accomplish the rest, So I'm still undecided.

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