Friday, June 24, 2011

Plank and Plank Variations

The plank should be a staple in any runners strength routine as well as for anyone who wishes to improve core strength to simply stave off back pain, and improve posture. For distance runners it will help prevent the dreaded "old person" shuffle - the caved in, head down, barely going forward that (too often)hits some of us in the latter portions of a tough race. The core takes a tremendous beating on the trail, so trail runners would do well to incorperate this simple movement. Work your way up to 1-2 minutes in the standard plank position (either pushup or on elbows) before adding any of these variations. Super Coach Dan Johns claims that if you can't hold the basic plank position for two minutes than your core routine has failed you. I believe him.

Try it! (you'll be happy you did in your next race!)

1 comment:

benttoenail said...

2 minutes is a long time.