Friday, May 20, 2011

Training Log and Some Thoughts on Walking


Clean& press –@16kg 3x(1/2/3)
Snatch -@16kg 4:00 74 reps
Pullups/close grip chins – 8/5
Leg raise/fit-ball crunch – 20/25
Power walk- 2.10 (12:54 pace)

Since much of ultra running is often spent wlking (exception of top level) I figured I should get in some practice and become a bit more effecient. I know of some pretty fast marathon times that were race walked and even 135 mile Bad Water was raced walked in (I belive) under 30 hours. So I'll be workoing on technique and gettig in some extra (low impact) miles and see where that leaves me for my races.

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