Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Todays Training and Some Race Thoughts

Todays workout -
1. Long cycke -@20kgs 4:00 (6rpm 24 reps)
2. Pushup circuit - 20/10/10/10 (Hindu/close/wide/reg)
3. Pullups/close grip chins -5/5
4. Overhead press - (life line 1 band) 2x12
5. Leg raise/fit-ball crunch - 20/20
6. Run-bike path 2.40 (Bikilas)

Extra rest this week - a little under the weather form cold and or allergies and wanted to be fresh(er) for the half on Saturday. I should be ok if this cold clears up as my legs are feeling pretty good (aside from general fatiuge from cold/allergies.) I'm still considering a run the day before and just using the half as a training run. That would leave me in good sitting for the 50k June 4th. I guess we'll see how I feel on Saturday and if I want to push it a bit.
Thanks for reading!


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