Monday, May 30, 2011

Rotary Remembrance 5K Run Race Review

Today was the Rotary Remembrance 5K Run and I have to say that I'm really starting to like these smaller, low key races. They're lots of fun, well organized and this one was highly competitive with a 16:30:09 finish for the winner. As you may well guess - I was not the winner. Nor top ten, but I did break into the first 100 with a 91st place out of 366 finishers. For what basically amounted to a speed workout five days before my next 50k - I'm pretty happy with this and most importantly I had fun and raced once again with Moca and Matt who both had great races in some pretty intense heat for so early in the morning. Both are still on a quest to break 30:00 and both are extemely close and I think if they moved a little more quickly through the starting crowds they would have done so today with Moca missing it by only :13.46 and Matt by :36.89. But again, they had fun and rn strong (Moca is tapering too for the 50k) and that's what counts in the end. It's time to take what we have learned from the race and re-evaluate goals and the plans to get there for the next race(s).
The race itself was held in Columbia on Gateway drive, which is a really great place to hold a race. Mostly flat with very little traffic, the course runs fairly fast with only one hill so to speak and nothing that will really break you when you it hit. Today it was the heat which was the limiting factor - but it was great preparation for what's to come in Summer raceing ahead.
It was (as always) great to run into old and new friends - some of whom it seems we only see at races - giving us even more incentitive to race more! It was especially nice to see our friend Hai who helped us so much at Seneca Creek 50k last March. See you next week Hai!

This race is an annual event and I hope it's something more of my running (and walking) friends will consider. Thanks Rotary Club of Howard County and Howard County Striders for such a fun day and wonderful event!

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