Monday, May 9, 2011

Training for the day

Training for today -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 3x2:00 (6rpm 38 reps)
2. Pullups/close grip chins - 5/5
3. Leg raise/ fit ball crunch -20/20
4. Pushups - 2x25
5. Run -bike path 2.50 (Bikilas)

Definitely fighting a cold - first one in a number of years but not surpising, I have been running quite a few hard runs back to back and felt myself get worn down but pushed it anyway - basicly rule of thumb for thse kind of things - it's your own damn fault. My body is asking me to recover - and just in time for this race if I listen closely. Lots of rest and lots of wholesome food and water.

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