Monday, May 23, 2011

Training Log - 05/23/11 (and some thoughts)

For today -

1. Kettlebell clean&press -@16kg 3x(1/2)
2. Pullups/close grip chins - 7/5
3. Two arm swing -@24kgs 100 reps (8:00)
4. Leg raise/fit ball crunch - 20/25
5. Run - bike path 5.0 (Bikilas LS)

Today falls under the light workout label for ETK (Enter the Kettlebell) and it felt pretty good to lift but take it easy - something a bit harder to do with a training diet of mainly Long Cycle - it seems there are no "easy sets" with GS but I guess that is open to argument. But even an easy set, with light weight, will leave you breathing fairly hard towards the end and that was the main reason I switched last year (to single arm kettlebell work but still GS style) - I was following Phil Maffatone's Heart Rate training principle and he discourges heavy lifting during the initial endurance phsase. In retrospect - for me at least - I feel this was a mistake as I lost quite a bit of strength that I haven't even begun to gain back. Is it necessary for ultras? (or running in general?)maybe not - but I worked hard for those gains and I'm sorry to see them go. I do belive that I could have made the gains in endurance while maintaining at least a portion of the strength/endurance I had. Starting light with ETK and progressing for a cycle ro two and then back to more GS is the plan right now - I do like the fact the ETK is a bit lighter on the loading the legs and should leave me a bit fresher for the running (although 100 swings seem to contradict me today) and of course long cycle will be my "variety day" workout twice (maybe three)days a week.
Putting in the miles for this week and then a fairly brief taper for the 4th and the next 50k.
Thanks for reading!

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