Sunday, May 1, 2011

Todays training and some thoughts

1. Run - bike path 8.15 @9:03 pace
2. Long cycle -@20kgs 1:00x6 (6rpm) 37 reps
3. Pullups/close grip chins - 5/5
4. Windmills - 1x5@12kgs 1x5@16kgs
5. Pushups - 2x20

Happy with the run on tired legs as they're definitely feeling the trails and hills from yesterdays marathon. First mile was run at 10:20 or so and second and third were in the low 9's - last five were all around 8:40. Not bad. I'll need a 9:09 pace to make it in just under two - todays riun gives me some confidence but it's a hilly course and may not be the best race for a PR. Time will tell!

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