Friday, September 30, 2011

Training For Today and Race Thoughts

Todays workout -
1. Foam roll/joint mobility/bands
2. Pushup circit - 20/10/10/10 (reg/close/wide/pike)
3. Pullups/close grip chins/med grip pullups - 6/5/5
4.Pushup routine - 20/10/10/10 (Hindu/wide/bars/close)
5. Kick backs/curls -@15lbs 2x10

Tomorrow is the Freedoms Run Half Marathon - my legs are finally starting to come back to life and we'll see if that's enough to get me in under 2. I'm not too pressed about it as either way it will be a great tempo run for Baltimore in 2 weeks and from what I hear it's a beautiful course. So it's enough to simply be there on a nice day and run. After tis weekend I'll put in a hard week of training (another tempo run, fartlek and 15 mile long run0 then taper for Baltimore. From there it's 3-4 weeks of doube runs and 20s on my long run until I taper for StoneMill 50. There is a chance I'll run the Metric Marathon in early November and then some additional miles afterwards. So that's the (tenative) plan. Stay tuned!

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