Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Training For Today and Duriand Rider Gives Us Some Date Tips!

Todays workout -
1. Jerk set -@20kgs 4:00 26 reps
2. One arm push press -@22kg 6:00 30 reps
3. Plank -1:00
4. One arm swings -@24kg 15/15
5. Pullups/close grip chins -5/5
6. Run - bike path 4.0

I'll begin adding some more volume through the weeks leading up to Baltimore Marathon - hopefully topping out at 70 a week before and even more hopefully build a bit more from there for the Stone Mill 50 miler in November. The goal is to finish strong in each race so that I can continue training for a possible 100 in March. I know of plenty of people who have trained for a 100 on as little as 40-50 miles a week so the added volume for me may not be necessry but it does aid my confidence in my ability to go the distance and feel strong throughout. My best ultras have been done when I have included doubble runs in my training and I will continue that here - beginning mid September or so and keeping it until I taper for Stone Mill. That's the plan!

And here here some info for your dating life -

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