Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Todays Workout and Video

Todays Workout -
1. Jerk set -@22kgs 1:00
2. One arm clean&press -@20kg 6:00 50 reps
3. Plank -1:00
4. Pullups/close grip chins -6/5
5. Pushups (wide stance) 3x10
6. Run - 5.25 (4.20@tempo)

Short tempo run today and practiced walk breaks (run 4/walk 30) and that slowed my avergage down to 8:38. I wuld be happy though if I could hold that pace throughout the hald this weekend and if I could holad a 9 something for the full in 3 weeks. Legs are sore - hills of Conestoga and Goblet squats don't mix. Really need to focus on recovery now.

Here's Dr. Doug Graham showing off the benifits of Raw Vegan -

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