Thursday, September 15, 2011

All About Today (Including Workout Of Course)

Todays workout -
1. Jerk set -@20kgs 2:00 15 reps
2. One arm clean&press -@20kg 6:00 50 reps
3. Fit ball crunch -1x30
4. Pushups -50 reps @ 1:31
5. Run - bike path 5.31 (fartlek)

1. Run - 2.03 road (Bikilas LS)

A slow return to double runs in preparation for Baltimore and further dow the line (but not by much) Stone Mill 50. Doubles have paid off nicely for me in the past and should do so in the future.

Recieved a surpise phone call from my wife who is in Ohio getting ready to run the Air Force Marathon this Saturday - she had the great fortune of meeting and hanging out with the great Marshall Ulrich and Chi running guru Danny Dreyer! And better still I got to chat with each of them for several minutes over the phone (thanks Moca!)These two men have accomplished a great deal in their lives and yet I couldn't have had the pleasure to talk with two more down to earth, gracious guys. Both were full of encouragment and evident enthusisam to talk with another runner. It was a great expereince and thank you both for takiing time out of your busy day to chat with me. It's the little things that so often make a great difference and the sign of a truly great person is one who extends himself so freely in these little details towards others. They have both given me something to remember in many ways.
Here's Marshall -

And Danny Dreyer talking Chi Running

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