Thursday, September 22, 2011

Daily Workout, Conestoga Thoughts and Some More Arnstein

Todays workout -
1. Jerk set -@20kgs 4:00 28 reps
2. Swings - @20kg 30/30
3. Fit ball crunch -1x30
4. Pushups - 100@4:11
5. Run - 5.20 (Fartlek)

Three days until Conestoga 10 miler - a fun and tough race. The goal is for all of us (me, Matt, Moca and those who choose to run with us)is to break 3 hours (I think we were 3:03 last year)Of course we never really "raced" the course so a faster time is possible. But to have fun, enjoy the day (and views) and do it a little faster than the year before is a worthy goal.

A little more from Mike -

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