Tuesday, December 22, 2020

True Generosity

True generosity:

this true generosity, the world given with every glance and no effort to achieve the view. It's all immediate, everything, and what seems missing doesn't yet belong. This is the birthright of simply being, my privilege of existence, and I take none of it for granted. 

for all that's given - I am grateful.

it's all so perfect, that my breath is drawn from the nearness of air, and in release it belongs again to the world, circulated for the need of other forms of life. Breath is truly my continuation in some invisible way - that I breathe now the very same elements of all who came before, and others in lifetimes yet to come, will breathe my soul again. 

it seems, in some essence, that I continue.

so I find myself too part of this generosity - a circulation of breath, my body once more returned as earth, and shared again as some aspect of the world. It's a true rebirth. Everything I am, in some important sense, will continue through so many ways. This is the essence of belonging, that every part of me is recycled dust, elements, energy. In this generosity, I am given too, not a breath wasted, nothing that doesn't somehow serve the whole. 

it's true generosity. 

and I am of service to the world, as it is given so freely to me I return it's favor by my very nature, again with no effort needed. To simply be - is to give. I am generosity of spirit and form, not just of breath and body, but in formless capacity as well. Selfless, I serve to hold the world. It's the generosity of belonging, every aspect, no matter how small, lending itself in continuation of the whole. This is the real sense of what I am - a lending of emptiness and form for life to be continued. 

a selfless generosity. 


Peace, Eric 

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