Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Just Before

Just before: 

just before interpretation - that the world exist without a single story told, everything happening in the purity of first moments. I see it all through filters, personal, with my own beliefs added. As now, with every story, the world is my reflection. Yet...

and equally so, my truth are those first moments as well - it's here that I find myself just before interpretation, without story, or the need to explain the world in certain ways. Everything just is, existing, happening in the only way that's possible for now. This is how things always are, this moment has no story until I come to offer one. 

sometimes it's a beautiful story.

but often it comes in tragic tales too, stories of disease and harm, war, and a world of sorrow. It's a mystery why these stories are told, how events are interpreted and reactions come to play. Any explanation would only be another story, my story, just a version of what's so. 

of course I prefer the beautiful, and there's a wish for it to be constant, or at least to be available for my demand. Somehow, that's not how the story seems to go. It seems I'm not always free in my interpretation. But I know that the word does exist just before every story - there's a sense of freedom in this, that reality plays on a deeper level, impersonal, yet intimate as well. It's a call for me to live life not only on the surface, where the stories are told, but to feel, truly, really, feel myself alive, as I am now, both storyteller and the emptiness that gives rise for every story to be told. 

at least that's my interpretation of it all. 


Peace, Eric 

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