Sunday, December 6, 2020

A New Reality

A new reality:

sometimes there is a new reality, at least a personal one, a fundamental shift in a long held perspective. Even as things appear the same, the world has been transformed. It happens in an instant, or perhaps it was a longer becoming, unnoticed until now. 

but it always feels sudden. 

it's been said that reality is what remains after all beliefs disappear, that the world is always viewed through perspectives and the filter of belief. Reality is unchanging. I'm just not sure that this is so - reality seems to fluid, always in motion, and never really the same from one moment to the next. It's like looking at light stream through a window in the dawn, there is a subtle dance of dust motes and the beam, shifting in angle and qualities of play. 

the dance stays the same. 

my own dance is changing, there's a new reality streaming through my window - and it certainly feels sudden. I wonder about beliefs and perspectives, and if letting go of a former self will change this dance much at all. I really don't know. Maybe light itself always remains and only dust motes are rearranged for another morning's dance. The truth is that I may never know, and it's that uncertainty that offers to dance with me now. What's constant is motion, that reality has shifted with sudden notice and a new dance has begun. I will do my best to keep up, to stay in motion. 

to dance. 


Peace, Eric 

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