Wednesday, December 16, 2020

My Own Jacob's Ladder

My own Jacob's ladder:

of my own Jacob's ladder - that my life is touched deep to earth and yet as well extends infinite in it's reach, reality being far more than it seem, but always belongs rooted to this present moment.It's not symbolic of a meeting point of heaven and earth, but that both exist right here, found only now, and within my own sense of being.

 in this light there is no need for a ladders reach, no rungs to aid an imaginary climb to something greater than my life. To dream of Jacob's ladder is my own realization, seeing myself as complete, here, within this moment, and that there is no true way to climb any further. 

my ladder's reach is always now.

it was once believed that heaven existed, that rungs were offered in pursuit of something other than this moment, a ladder was needed to reach the highest levels. I dreamed of Jacob's ladder while asleep to the reality of life, carried through my day to day existence. Living in a trance of what it offered. There was always one more rung to climb, another rung to reach, and the promise of a final heaven. I found my life given to the climb. 

but I am my own Jacob's ladder.

every dream ends with waking, illusions parting to the reality of this world, to this present moment. No ladder is needed to find myself awake. Just light, and open eyes. My dream of a ladder is now replaced with my own sense of presence, that my climb was always an illusion, each rung offered me my own completeness.

if I would only stop climbing. 


Peace, Eric 

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