Sunday, December 27, 2020

To Be Worthy

To be worthy:

just a life lived worthy of itself - that I deeply appreciate my existence, this opportunity to simply be alive and thriving with each breath, and a body that functions without my conscious effort. To be worthy of this, and so much more, is the easy task of grateful being. Nothing else is needed from me but to live in thankful wonder that I'm alive, aware, and fully knowing of these gifts.

it's all by virtue of existence, to be worthy is to be alive with possibilities, mystery, and a world given to support my every breath taken. There is no doubt of my belonging. No question of my worth. Truly, I am as essential as any other aspect of the world, as natural here as a flower and just as brief in bloom. My value isn't measured in accumulation of any means. 

to bloom, is to give myself to the world.

and that's my true measure, effortlessly shared, and creative by design - my life has been a continuous bloom through every point of my existence. All that I am is an offering in return to all that's given, a flowering of deep appreciation. Life has made me worthy through initial concept all the way to this moment, and all this with nothing to prove, no argument to be more than this tremendous gift being alive and aware that this is so. 

I am worthy because I am. 

really, it's that simple, everything but bare essence is a bonus - life only asks to be lived, continued through my fullest bloom. It's an easy giving of what I am, natural, and the effort is cared for by life itself, without my slightest concern. My role is to be, and it's also all I have to offer in return. This process is how life unfolds. And I am part of this unfolding. 

worthy, through no effort of my own.


Peace, Eric 

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