Wednesday, December 30, 2020

No True Idea

No true idea:

with no true idea of what's to come, of what idea will makes itself know, or if a theme will play out and tie these together. There's just the writing, a pause for words to make their appearance, and then continued writing. No plan, no agenda. But there is a certain faith that words will make their way to me, will find their way to fill this page. It's how my morning unfolds, a creative trust that serves me well. I see each empty page as full of promise, my role is to listen, and then convey.

it's an easy process.

and it's the same with life - I have no true idea of what's to come, my day begins with the same creative trust that life guide me through it's course, that what I really need will find it's way to me. I have a certain faith that if I listen, if I pause and listen - life will whisper my belonging, a secret often missed throughout  a busy world. This too is an easy process. I see each dawn with the promise of an empty page, my role is to listen, and then to simply live. 

life itself fills everyday.

so a theme has emerged, as I write a story of life and creativity. I am an imperfect listener, and often make my own way across the page with words that I prefer. The theme then becomes misguided. It's similar too with life. Yet none of this is practice, what I write is a continuous correction, words given through intuitive grace replacing those I choose in preference. What's done is left to the page in testament to the moment, my own imperfect listening to grace of given words. There's no need to practice for this moment, life still continues, creativity flows, and another moment follows. 


Peace, Eric 

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