Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Sense of Minimalism

Sense of minimalism:

as for me, my own sense of minimalism is of interior intent, that I hold my thoughts lightly, and value silence found through letting go of what my mind used to hold. It's not about possessions, what's cherished in the mind, through imagination, binds more than what is owned. To be free doesn't require an abandonment of anything - things come and go of their own accord, through the flow and then ebb that life offers. 

even freedom can't be acquired, it's never found through seeking, and not a sense that comes from giving up the things I own. My true freedom is known through recognition of myself as life, that I belong as fully in its ebb and flow as any other aspect shown. What's let go is not my sense of self, but the ownership of this self, my cherished notion of all I hold myself to be. This sense of minimalism shows me how cluttered these beliefs are, gathered through years of collecting ideas of what I am. 

letting go happens completely on its own. 

it comes from seeing, to simply be aware, and to see myself in this awareness. It's seamless. Nothing can be owned here, everything belongs by virtue of appearance, and just as easily goes when its stay is done. There's only freedom, effortlessly so, and a true surrender in current course of flow. Through infinite space - everything appears in minimal order, belonging exactly as it is, for however long its stay. As I see now, as come to this letting go...there is only spacious wonder. 

already, I've been surrendered.



Peace, Eric 

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