Monday, December 21, 2020

A Divine Revelation

A divine revelation:

and of course than, it's the face of God shown - my own gaze turned back to its source and my absence found. It's a divine revelation, that there is an emptiness without demand, simply an allowing space that gives rise to all the world. This too is where I find myself, at once this endless capacity to hold, as well as the details that emerge. To find the face of God is my own direct revelation, my gaze turned towards my true self and shown in grace and wonder. 

it's a metaphor, really, God, source and even true self - what's revealed is simply life, seamless, and continuing. But it's a life so full of mystery that only certain words will do, words that hint of an incalculable nature, infinite, and to invoke a sense of awe. 

yet there's intimacy too.

and this seems to be the big reveal, that the face of God is empty of all but reflection - to turn my sight away from the world, only shows more world where my face should be, it's emptiness fulfilled, and my own capacity serving in its hold. To search for the divine is to find God in endless direction, both ends of the view offer a divine revelation of what's true. It's the intimacy of seeing, that it's all seamless, the view unfolds as seer. 

just one thing.

so here's the face of God, found as view and the source which holds it - it's my own revelation of course, seeing the divine flow from emptiness to detail, selfless and then self too. It's the experience of life, now told as metaphor. 

but always, simply, lived. 

Peace, Eric 

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