Friday, December 11, 2020

Lost in Pursuit

Lost in pursuit:

 it's in the pursuit of something other, to chase a preferred present moment that the fullness of what's offered now is missed. We become lost in constant seeking, convinced that one more experience, something better than the moment that we're having, will deliver us to the life that we've been promised. 

we're lost in the only moment that's available. 

there's a tragic irony in this, chasing Nirvana, seeking our true nature, and all the while life unfolds in simple, glorious mystery. This, and right here, is where we're supposed to be. It's not effort of achievement to be present - it's simply relaxing to what's happening now, whatever that may be, and wherever we may find ourselves. 

we're not lost at all. 

but we often seem to be, forgetting our true selves through an image we've projected. What's true is who we are, without projection, nor belief that we are anything other. It's enough to be alive, to be aware of this privilege, and grateful that it happened at all. With this ease into being we can relax the pursuit, continue more now as explorers of what's present. 

an explorer is never lost.

in this sense than, everything belongs, accepted in an instant - energy has shifted to being, relaxed from frantic effort to escape the unpleasant, our sorrow, or any faults perceived. It all belongs, and in this acceptance the world s transformed to original, ordinary wonder. Just what is, nothing more. No longer lost in pursuit - we've arrived again to where we are. 

never lost again. 


Peace, Eric 

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