Thursday, December 17, 2020

Certain of this belonging:

to know just one thing, only that I belong, and that in an infinite world of possibilities - this is no small promise. It's finding myself at home, present, and certain of this belonging. More so, that I belong without effort, my own sense of comfort being natural to each moment. 

and that nothing is excluded from this - I am not forced from this comfort for any state of discord, nor am l limited to a specific peace of mind. My every mood belongs. There is nowhere else that holds me. It's simply an embrace of my own presence that once seemed so foreign to me, but now is true in the welcome that it offers. 

this seems more than mere acceptance of myself, a dismissal of judgement, and coming to terms with who I am - no, this, than, is an allowing, something greater, that provides room for me to reach, to rest as who I find myself through every possible moment. 

it's finding myself at home within the world. 

not just home, but again a certain belonging - that this is all exactly the only way that things could be, and that I am absolved of any past belief that the world had to be a special way to suit me. It's a true, and real sense of presence, of being, and that life is unfolding as my own expansion, my participation as an aspect of the whole. 

that I am certain of this belonging. 


Peace, Eric 

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