Monday, December 28, 2020

A True Smile

A true smile:

to smile - and it's what I offer to the world, my own vulnerability displayed in a trust of what we share, a genuine greeting from my depth to yours. A true smile is soul seeking connection, it's my innocence in chance encounter of another's. It's an exchange between us, a telling sign of my capacity to hold you exactly as you are, and that I see this same capacity offered in return. 

to smile is to simply be aware.

my smile is made ready, from early on it's how I greet the world, from first wonder and then with every moment of new discovery. A smile is my original innocence shown, unafraid to peek from layers of hurt, and sorrow added through the years. It's vulnerable, and spontaneous, and always given in certain faith that this innocence is the true nature of the world. Through this I am never disappointed, for every response is a trade of some sort - as if we recognized our shared spaciousness, trusting another to hold a deepest fear, or grieving ache. A true smile is an invitation of trust, and we receive just enough for each exchange to be a moment of love between us, a healing encounter, no matter how brief in offering. 

a true smile is to give my deepest self.

and the truth is, the world always receives me - this alone is reason to smile. That each day I am welcomed in my every mood, never censored in beliefs, or how I greet the day. I'm accepted as I am, never questioned as to what I offer, and not measured in any sense of worth. It's enough for me to simply be, existing in common bond with every other aspect of the world. My smile is genuine, it's a knowing smile of being loved even in the strength of doubt. This too is how we receive each other, it's a bypass of mistrust and fear, given in faith of our shared innocence. We trust each other in glance and smile. It's also how we trust the world. 

today, I give my smile to you. 

Love, Eric 

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