Sunday, December 20, 2020

Of Wonder

Of wonder:

it's an equal view of wonder - first the world in vivid detail, and then to turn towards the source which notes it all. It's to see myself as capacity for scenery, emptiness to serve, and fulfilled in my promise to unfold. It's one view, and my inclusion as seer lends it a seeming duality, temporary, and a chance for full participation. 

life is the opportunity to explore, and to find myself amidst the world, belonging as an aspect of the whole - presents it all in new light. This is the true end of seeking, energy shifted from a belief in an inner world that holds a secret to simply life in all it offers. 

this is where I belong.

right here, whatever arrives, however life unfolds - I belong to just this moment. I suppose that this is an awakening of sorts, an ordinary belonging in an extraordinary world. To relax from any pressure of escape, an allowing sense of each moment as it is, without expectation of being free from the weight of any expectations. 

to just be.

to see is to belong, to be included as the view. That's the secret, fully evident, but somehow lost through constant seeking. Seeing is the path. And it's here, always, whatever's seen, whatever presents itself, is my path of wonder. What's here, shows me I belong. There is no search for the present moment, and this frees me to explore all that I find myself to be, with no need to seek further proof of my belonging. 

it's always been right here.


Peace, Eric  

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