Thursday, December 10, 2020

To The Moment

Belongs to the moment: 

nothing is pursued, what arrives belongs to the moment that it's given, and even the effort for an end result happens only now. It's not a point of patience - this is simply acknowledging what's present, knowing that nothing comes before its time, indeed all that's really known is found right now. There's no need to chase anything. 

all effort is always in the present moment.

writing is my example - there are two beginnings; an empty page, and the first thought of inspiration. There is no rush to fill the page, nor to chase words. This is not my process, it's the art of every beginning, formless potential with a willingness to lend itself to form. It's creation itself, genesis, and I find myself a participant without command. 

it's the process that includes me. 

words come on their own, writing happens, and so often I find myself with a smile and the motion of fingers - this seems to be my main contribution, a willingness to set myself aside and just allow it all to happen. My only real effort is not to interfere. This isn't magic, nothing is invoked, and inspiration isn't courted to appear. It's just being with what's present and sometimes this includes the absence of words, no proper thoughts to begin with. 

sometimes there's only waiting.

so it is with life, wishing for something, or someone that isn't here, a rush to fill a seeming void. But sometimes, often times, there's only waiting. But it's the void that allows creation, it's essential, the raw, innocent potential to become the present moment. There is no need to wish for more, nor to wait in vain for something to arrive. It's all here - or it isn't. What's found now belongs to the moment, and this may include effort for the next appearance, waiting, of even frustration. 

everything belongs. 

and nothing chased arrives any sooner - it's always, only, now. 


Peace, Eric 

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