Thursday, August 25, 2011

Training Thoughts and Todays Workout

1. Jerk set -@20kgs 5:00 23 reps
2. One arm swings -@22kg 25/25
3. Pushups -85 reps@3:30
4. Fit ball crunch -1x25
5. Run - trail 5.25 (NB Minimus)

Felt great on the trail today - fast, loose and springy. I think perhaps I have stumbled (trial and error) upon a very effective routine for ultras right now. The jerks and swings strength, cardio and explosive training in a short amount of time and do not leave me in such a state that I don't feel up to a full effort (whatever the day may call for) run. It's also short enough that I can add pushups, pullups, (maybe) getups or windmills as a finisher along with planks. I'm happy.

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