Friday, August 5, 2011

Training Log and Heavyhands - 08/05/11

1. One arm press -@22kg 3x91/2/3)
2. Pullups/close grip chins -22 reps (4:47)
3. Swings -@24kg 4x20 (about :30 between sets)
4. Plank -1:00

pm -
heavyhands on treadmill -26:00

Okay, I really enjoyed the heavyhands - I did it the "original" way that it's founder Leonard Schwartz outlined in his book HeavyHands. Which is to say pumping the arms in a powercurl fashion and then doing sets of chest flyes, lateral raise, and overhead press in (for me) an attempt at matching the stride, between sets holds more arm pumping for a continuous motion. I think more often I will approach with it more of a ski pole action with the intensity dictated by height of the swing (level I,II, III equates to waist height, mid chest and head heigh.) This seems to be a great way to add in a high intensity cardio workout without the extra pounding of another run. Now as another ultra approaches I will most likely alternate HH with a double run as these have proven to be too benifical to eliminate - yet if I get great results with less pounding, who knows?

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