Friday, August 19, 2011

Todays Training and Lots To Say About Kettlbell Swings (Fedorenko Style!)

Todays workout -
1. Jerk set -@22kgs 2:00
2. Swings -@20kg 35/35
3. Pullups- (mixed grips) 20 reps @4:30
4. Pushups (wide stance) 2x20
5. Fit ball crunch- 1x30

I'm enjoying the one arm swings quite a bit and my back feels great since adding these in. Reps are getting gup there so it may be time to jump to the 22kgs and build up again. Nothing the matter with high reps though (especially for swings.) If anyone is intersted in swings please see the Valery Fedorenko video and link a few post ago and learn from the best. I think that this style of swings has great benifits for ultra running as it builds shock absorbtion, hamstring strength and flexibility, core strength (including low back)stamina and mental and physical toughness, and grip endurance if you're a double water bottle holder like me. That's a lot to ask of one exercise but I think One Arm Swings may well deliver. Time will tell but I urge you to become an experient of one (assuming there's only one person reading this blog.) One set, work up in reps (30-50 is my choice)and then either go up in weight or add a set. I prefer (for now) to only do one set for varsious reasons but mainly as I feel that one is enough to derive great benifit from without over-taxing my hamstrings for my runs. As I build up in reps and weight that may well change. Oddly enough snatches, even fairly light ones, were effecting my back and causing me some worry. Nothing major but enough that I didn't feel it was worth keeping them in despite the swole they gave my arms. So far swings have been golden, although the two arm version would often leave my back feeling a bit tweaky - I believe that this was mostly do to high volume running along with heavy swings. So right now I'm happy with the current template of my training although I don't expect I'll keep the volume as high on the pullups as they were this week. Miles will start to add up after tis weekend too - lots of races coming up!
Thanks for reading and get busy swinging!

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