Tuesday, September 15, 2020

What I know

What I know:

there's no need to prove the moment, that I exist, and that my experience of right now is valid to awareness alone. As to what I know - there is no truth higher than this, and it's comfort in mystery that brings me peace. There may indeed be a greater Nirvana, a heaven that awaits me, or a savior to lead the way. That's the nature of mystery, I just don't know anything beyond what's been revealed this very moment, and that's the gift of being aware - 

what I know is simple enough, it's direct sensations on the skin, warmth from early sun. It's the taste of coffee in first sip, a subtle shock of bitterness that lingers on the tongue. My morning is filled with little, hidden, aspects that open to attention. I know this only through awareness. To hear birds sing outside my window is to be aware of the seamless grace of song, how each note emerges from a silent field, as if stillness waits for that note alone, and soon the perfect harmony plays in pure awareness. I am gifted with this song, and more, to be aware that this moment is never again to be repeated exactly as before, and that I am aware of my own part as listener, of being aware, is some essential to the whole. My true gift is one of gratitude. 

To seek for anything past this moment is futile - everything is given now, it's revealed this instant or not at all. What I know is simply now. 


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