Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Just What Is

here's just what is - and the obviousness of this is so subtle that it's missed by self and senses, that I am existing only and always this present moment, and a continuous reach of what I am extends in all directions, infinite in expansion. To be just this is truly a revelation, and gives cause to explore every aspect of my nature. Whatever else appears in this moment surely belongs as well, there's no issue of something being outside my own allowing nature. Everything is included, and my doubt and discomfort in certain moments is found as equal to the grace that assures me. 

 there's just what is - and right now it all appears as a morning ray of sun stretched towards me, a window open to a breeze, and an easy flow of words that reach this page. What is, now, is an openness to appearance, to what the world may offer. This moment is new, never before arrived and yet is direct to every other event unfolding. I am continuous in nature, fluid, and yet somehow too familiar within an ever changing expression. I am not just one thing but an aspect of everything that has gathered to this moment and this seems so in each moment of my appearance. 

What is, right now - is aware, an active note of simply existing. It's the only thing truly noted, of being aware of myself and these thoughts occurring, how these words appear and then find themselves to the page. Of course this changes, shifting to something other even as I write this. Yet even then, to be aware, remains, expanding to include a new appearance, adding to what now belongs. There is always, only - just what is. 




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