Sunday, September 27, 2020

My Freedom

 My Freedom:

I am free, right now, naturally and without effort - at no point was this attained or earned as an achievement. It's what I am, what we are all, and this is simply because life itself is motion unattached to outcome, a flow of events that measure its success in anything other than its continuation. Of course I am given to thoughts that bind me to circumstance, to people, and to my own sense of who I am and where I belong in the world. But life continues without these cares, always a present moment of possibilities, and there is nowhere else I find myself then here, an aspect of life and not separate from its flow. 

That's my freedom, to be alive, and to somehow be aware of this motion, nothing that isn't always happening each moment on its own. I am gifted each instant with a seamless grace that presents me this unique position of being, that there is a fresh opportunity of life in new current, a never before, nor once again - now. My freedom is simply acceptance of the moment. 

To this - I bring attention to gratitude. All this is unearned, again it's a grace that finds me without search, and what I offer in return is my thankful participation. My example is writing, that these thoughts appear along with a keen desire to put them into form. There was no choice in this matter, I have no authority in what life offers in these moments. But I find myself here, immersed in listening to thoughts that only seem my own, grateful for the inspiration. So I write. My freedom is that this all continues, life goes on beyond this moment and carries me along. I'll find myself grateful for its next event, another opportunity to participate in something completely other than these words. I am free because I'm alive, motion, and aware. 


Peace, Eric 

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