Monday, September 21, 2020

Just Being Aware


It's just being aware:

there's little enough to say - my true insights seem to last only for the moment that their given, a flash of recognition not of any eternal wisdom but of how little I really know. Nothing actually. Yet this has come to be a gift, perhaps the only insight needed. This moment doesn't tell me anything other than what can be covered in its length of visit, of my experience now, and then somehow it continues to every following moment. There's nothing lasting in it all except that I'm aware and that now is always present. I refuse to make a story of this, to organize a self-religion of my own worship of the moment. It's just being aware - and knowing that I am. 

But this has come to be enough - an infinite world of description opens to the moment, my experience of whatever's happening now shifting along with the circumstances of nature, a seamless relationship of recognition and change. It's the mystical aspect of the ordinary and would be impossible for me to become bored in the details that are give. I could write for my entire life and still be only on the surface of the moment, noting the obvious, while the mystery of the present continues unfolding, offering another lifetime worth of exploration and reporting. 

It seems there was more to be said after all - perhaps not true insights, but a little bit of reality revealed through observation. Beyond this, any thought that something lasting has been captured, I am at a loss to say. I'm just aware of what's given to this moment. 


Peace, Eric 

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