Wednesday, September 2, 2020

No Learning This

there's no learning this, no practice to achievement, nor effort to be anything other than what we truly, always, already are. It's not esoteric. In my own sense I've to some realizations by simply relaxing, allowing the world to reach me each moment without my own frantic search for answers confusing the issue. It's also not complicated. This moment alone holds everything I've ever looked for - from peace of mind, ultimate love, to the truth of God. Does this mean the search is over? That every answer is now told? No, it means there never was a search to begin with, and that answers only matter to a questioning mind. This was a revelation to me, that my questions would often change to suit a better, wished for answer. I wanted my truth. What there is - is mystery. And this is revealed as it is, no label that I offer will make it any less so. It's also present right now, always, it's my unfolding nature that is never truly told, only known as my own sense of simply being. 

Yes, there is no learning this, but only because it doesn't take anything, no effort, to be. I already am. I existence. I am alive. And I am aware. I am. There was no learning to be alive and to find myself aware happen with the first blinking of an eye. In a sense my life can be seen as a process of unlearning this, forgetting myself as life in it's course expression, and adding imagined layers, labels, and complications to the ease what unfolds. Until I remembered. Suddenly and also subtle - just like that first blinking eye. I remembered. 

So now I know - and it's nothing that I didn't always know before. I am life, experiencing, and aware that this is so. Each moment moment life brings something different in its flow - and this is how it all unfolds. 


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