Thursday, September 17, 2020

Because It Is

The only answer given - because it is: 

because it is - and this arrives as only cause, my one theory of how my world has come to be. Through no action of my own I find the world complete each moment, my every function cared for by a force beyond my conscious control. My life happens. The philosophic question is why? Why does the world exist? Why is there life at all?  There's an answer from every school of thought, each varied by beliefs, and only true to those believers. Science gives me the how of it all, details, a cosmic bang leading to this moment. I find myself humbled that this infinite expansion of energy has arrived to this point of my existence, that I am traced from this cosmic dust and now find myself here to ask these questions. 

and yet...

it no longer seems to matter why, my seeking for answers has settled into a peaceful acceptance that I belong to every moment. The world is, life is, and this is the simplicity of my belonging. My every question is an inquiry in acceptance, each question of why turns softly to the unanswerable now of existence - because it is. 

with this comes a sense of awe at the spontaneous nature of life, how things arrive from wherever they found themselves before, appearing now for the benefit of my being, or perhaps simply the joy of being noted, or maybe even no particular reason at all. The only constant is that I am aware of what arrives in very same moment of not knowing how it all appears. It is, now, and that's the only answer life will truly offer. It seems enough for me, 



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