Wednesday, September 9, 2020

First in My Reality

First in my reality:

experience first is my reality, what's seen, sensed, and lived - and too there is this subtle, knowing presence that holds me as aware. Everything noted belongs in my conscious understanding of it, that is is truly known in an intimate sense without separation. To touch an object is to register infinite cells that gather to my fingers, first in anticipation and then to explore what greets them - there is no point from object to my hands that isn't similar in design, same particles in different pattern but still the basic stuff that comes to form from the spaciousness of its existence. Quite literally, I am experiencing myself from initial reach, to emptiness between, and then final rest of fingers. One thing only in true experience. 

All this is found in awareness, direct, personal in the deepest self - yet, perhaps to subtle for my attention. My experience is always one of being aware, even I'm lost in desire of the senses there is always the reality of this presence, the silent note of occurrence. I am aware, and this is not self proclaimed but simply noticed. Everything is experienced in this awareness. This is my first and only reality, the science of being, and provides an infinite scope for exploration. In a very real sense, life is limitless in the possibilities to be known. Life is my experience. I am aware of the mystery that it holds. 


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