Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Current Found Aware


A current found aware:

To find myself let go, that I belong as motion in a swift world of constant change, and that each instant I am somewhat and somehow another version of the self I was just a moment now gone. This is the only rebirth that I know of, lasting less than a breath taken, a subtle becoming in the same time as a self that's left behind. To be let go is to find myself immersed in the reality of life, a current found aware of its place within the stream. 

This is not an act of surrender, nor a complete release of a self I hold dear - it's the realization that there is simply nothing here to let go of, that I am already surrendered in each and every moment, and remake myself only as an image that's imagined from before. My reality is motion. To surrender as this would as a river in belief that it belongs as a static hold to every stone and not the truth of its ever present caress. Life carries on as such. So already I'm let go. 

For me, this is seen as a promise of being, to be constant and swift as the world itself - I am never not becoming something, even as my last cherished self is left behind. To lose myself in belief that I am just as motionless as the riverbed stone, is to forget the reality that I am fully involved as life's caress. Even the stone is found changing, worn to a polished point of its own letting go, a realization that nothing stays forever. 

To find myself let go is to remember that I am a current without true riverbed, just motion that lends itself as form and still stays swift and sure. There is nothing to hold to, and already surrendered - life continues in its flow. 

Peace, Eric 

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