Friday, September 25, 2020

My Inquiry Is


My inquiry is:

my inquiry is now is simply curiosity, not even posed as a question, but just an allowing of each moment to unfold on it's own, and my own watchful nature joined to see what happens. This is to be knowingly aware, without effort to make it anything other than itself, no mystical advancement of a higher power - it's being myself, relaxed, curious as to what life delivers next. 

to inquire is an investigation and I am less interested in questions of why something has happened, or how an object came to be. My inquiry is in seeing motion, of change from a moment that seems one thing to its subtle shift of a something other, a slight becoming of a new moment altogether. This is, for me, is to be aware of space as much as objects, of seeing how expansive life is, always allowing one more thing within its hold, it's symmetry of arrangement.  To this, I note my own belonging, of how I come to appear in both thought and body, seamless, one more object to be aware of, and this too seems to flow in a curious manner of it's own. Somehow, I just came to be - and life continued with my inclusion. 

of course this is only my observation of right now, an experience of allowing and seeing what appears, of how the moment changes, and if anything at all remains the same. No great truth is reveled and non was sought. It's really much simpler than told above - I am aware, and life is always changing in subtle and sometimes bold ways. I am part of all that happens in the scope of this awareness. For now, it's the ease of early morning to its middle part, sounds of the day becoming more apparent, and the need to bring this writing to a close. 

And there it is - life. 


Peace, Eric 

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