Saturday, August 31, 2024

Everything We Need

Everything we need:

forgiveness offers everything I need - those are the words offered in Lesson 122 of A Course in Miracles and they immediately strike me with the absence of mentioning another. This lesson is all about me and that's vitally important with forgiveness. Yes, others most certainly do benefit from our practice, the world itself becomes a brighter place due to the change of our perception. But forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves, no one else is really involved accept for a brief moment recalled as we let transgressions go, surrendering to our new reality.

forgiveness offers everything we need.

what we gain here is tremendous, we have freed energy for our benefit, serenity follows, and true peace becomes an actuality. It's amazing to consider, so much effort given to holding onto a the past, grievances consuming such a large amount of our creativity and vitality. Letting go of resents heals us, we're free, lighter, and have so much more to give to the world. 

honestly, it takes so little effort...

we just let go,

accepting only the present moment.

continuously so.

until we truly see that only love is real.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Invitations

Also, please visit to buy: The Forgiveness Book

Thank you.

Friday, August 30, 2024



what I've been thinking about lately is invitations, how life is always inviting us to participate in the usual way to see the world - and with hardly even a consideration, we've almost always lived by the rules that have been handed down to us. These are the implicit invitations, an underlying yet persistent urge to dislike just the right people, always color within the lines of the usual way of living, and not to give too much thought as to another way of seeing the world.

no longer even remembering that this just an invitation. 

and we can always turn them down.

society wants us to conform to the standard way of living, maybe varying slightly through the years, but never too far from what's to be accepted. Paradigm shifts are rare, at lease collectively. Yet there's always been outliers, those who not only decline the usual invitations but actually invite others to join them in a new and beautiful way of living. 

most often it's a quiet, humble invitation, barely heard at all.

demonstrated through their love of others.

from this point on, this is my own invitation - and I'm no longer accepting or giving anything other than complete and unconditional love. It's a paradigm shift, personal, and a long time in it's arrival. Am I capable of this? I don't know, honestly, my heart says yes, but the mind instantly invites me to reconsider, instantly showing me the impossibilities of another way of living. 

but I'm now declining all invitations of impossibilities.

it's time to live entirely from the heart.

and quietly, humbly....

simply be.


Love, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: One Problem

Also, please visit to buy: Living With Miracles

Thank you.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

One Problem

One problem:

in lesson 79 of A Course in Miracles we are asking to recognize the problem so it can be solved, and with this it's seen that, ultimately, there's only one problem and, therefore, there's only one solution. This simplifies things greatly for us, as every issues comes down to how we view the world, and all we ever need to do is ask for the miracle of a revelation, asking to see the true cause of every problem.

we believe that we are separate from our source.

and that the answer is beyond us.

one problem.

only one solution.

the answer here is clear seeing, we ask for the revelation of light so that the world is illuminated by the understanding that nothing is truly beyond us. No problem can be separate from it's resolution, no question removed from it's answer. We ask for a miracle so that our perception can be changed, obstacles seen through as illusions, and that the solution to what appears to be multiple problems arrives in the simplicity of a direct revelation....

nothing is ever separate from it's source. 

and therein lies our peace of mind,


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Ask

Also, please visit to buy: Only Live is Real

Thank you. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024



forgiveness is difficult as long as I'm alone in attempting this endeavor, trying to do the impossible, and it's only through being humbled by my inability to truly forgive - that I finally approach a complete surrender, asking for the grace and ease of a miracle, 

and it's then that peace is found.

I only ever had to ask.

the miracle is a mind shift, I'm asking for my perception of a given event, person, or situation to be changed so that I may view the world a different way. I can't do this alone, my every attempt in the past has left me angry and confused. Forgiveness is the work of miracles, and we're all entitled to them, continuously so - 

but we do have to ask.

for some,  it might be easier to invoke the presence of a holy figure that seems to hold the entirety of a loving universe within their gaze. For others, maybe an impersonal force love will work just fine. It doesn't really matter, it's being willing to surrender that gives cause to miracles, a true wish to let go of every grievances that imprisons us in a world of hate and resentments. 

yet it's the asking that triggers a response.

only then will a miracle occur.

it's all we have to do.

sincerely so.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Of Wounds and Harm

Also, please visit to buy: The Mindless Madness of Miscreation

Thank you. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Of Wounds and Harm

Of wounds and harm:

the problem is that we still believe that forgiveness is something that we bestow upon another, a gift of benevolence that's given to one that harmed us, demonstrating that we are larger than the hurt that they deliberately or accidentally delivered. This belief keeps us trapped within an illusion of lingering wounds, that we forgive only when we're healed and not a moment sooner. 

yet forgiveness itself is the healing.

it's what we offer to ourselves.

never truly about another.

what we're asking for is a miracles, one that we're entitled to, being the birthright of our existence. A miracles here is a change of perception, we ask to see the world in a different way, one that isn't based upon the ego's wounds. This simply means...from my innocence to yours, true seeing, that we are both invulnerable to harm. Forgiveness is a gift of freedom given to ourselves, a recognition that we are large and spacious by design and that only false beliefs keep us trapped within a painful world. With this gift also comes discernment, freedom means that we see clearly the wounds of another and how they are projected. We look past their pain, lovingly so, and now see only their original innocence matching our own, and this puts us in a position to no longer add our pain to theirs. 

we're free from harm.


as well as theirs.

and that's what forgiveness offers.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Right Words

Also, please visit to buy: Be Kind, for Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Hard Battle

Thank you. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Right Words

Right Words: 

it's surrendering to an empty page, wordless, and then having just the right thoughts show through. This is the process I've arrived to after so many years of struggling with writing, often feeling bereft of inspiration, anxious, uncertain that any words would find me let alone a satisfying line or two, 

it's easy now.

there's nothing really for me to do...but to be patient.

the right words have been here all along. 

only now I've learned to listen .


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Celebrate

Also, please visit to buy: Writing With the Muse

Thank you. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024



in lesson 75 of A Course in Miracles we're asked to  celebrate, we're told that the light has come and that we have forgiven the world - which sounds a little premature to me, as I find more grievances deep within that still surface and cause no small degree of suffering. But I find that right now, yes, I am ready for some celebrating, the light has indeed come, in fact it's always been here, and I am in the process of forgiving all the world. 

each grievance at a time.

so at lesson 75, still barely on the surface of what the Course seems to offer, why celebrate now, has the light actually arrived at this exact moment in my life? And of course the answer is that no, it's not the arrival of light I'm asked to notice, it's my own dawn of near continuous forgiveness that gives cause for my celebration. 

and I'm ready now for this, after 30 years into studying the Course and I'm finally ready to actually live it, to express it deeply through the remainder of my life. That's the light that's come, a gentle rise of understanding that shines brilliantly as forgiveness and love.

I am forgiving all the world.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Another Way to See

Also, please visit to buy: The Business of Forgiveness

Thank you. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Another Way to See

Another way to see: 

somebody will always offer us an invitation to join the world they see, calling us to share their addiction to a life perceived a certain way. It's a trap, of course, and yet one that I've willingly played into even though my heart has long urged me to step away from this insane world. I don't mean this in judgement, but only that there's another way to see things, heart-centered, through kind eyes, extending love to all...

and that's the world I wish to see. 

so this is my surrender, a resignation really - I'm now declining all invitation to rejoin a life that offers so little in return. It's no longer worth it to me, never really was. I just didn't know an option existed, believing that that everything existed in the only way that's possible. 

but of course there is another way.

we live a life of perfection, projecting our fears, resentments, and grievances onto the world and then calling it reality. It's not. Yet's we've been taught not to question how we see things, being told that it's always been this way and there's no choice otherwise. 

we've been taught a lie.

it's simple...

there's another way to see the world. 

it's in plain view, always present, available - and from this point on I am committed to the reality of it's existence. What I do now is this...I extend my own invitation, asking others to meet me here, my heart is open, ready to receive,

and everyone is welcome. 


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Amor Fati

Also, please visit to buy: A Complaint Free World

Thank you. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Amor Fati

Amor fati: 

amor fati, translated from Latin as love your fate, and made best known by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It's a valuable concept to explore, to cultivate, as it asks us to live our lives with a certain enthusiasm for all that happens - even, or perhaps especially, the most difficult aspect that occur. This, of course, is a more elaborate philosophy explained in full, but the simplicity and beauty of amor fati is found within each moment.

this is it.

whatever's happening now...

it's the only thing happening that can occur.

this isn't mere resignation, nor blind acceptance without hope for change. It's much more powerful, indeed granting our enthusiasm the ability to transform every experience as necessary by it's appearance. It's with this that we become capable of transcending survival and arriving into the realm of possibility, enlightened even, as we're now in the very seat of power.

this moment...being all we have.

and greeted fully with the absolute love -

of being exactly as we are,

right now.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Tall Order

Also, please visit to buy: The Joyous Science

Thank you. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tall Order

Tall order:

it's often asked, why should I forgive? 

and the answer is always...

to be free.

that's it really, it's not about being a bigger or better person than the one who hurt us, it's not spiritual bypassing for a quick does of feeling a special way. Forgiveness is seeing through the illusion that we are vulnerable to the attacks of others, seeing innocence in lace of harm, and living our lives free of any attachments that bind us to a hurtful situation. 

it seems like a tall order.

except it's already exactly how we are, invulnerable to hurt and harm, free of grievances and resentments, innocent through our original state of being. But we've forgotten this, we've become small in our exclusive identification with ego, and every attack thought and word seem to give us great concern. 

forgiveness returns us to our original largeness. 

reminding us that we're free.

 with this -we're able to offer only love, because that's all we have to give. 

and the world is instantly forgiven. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Small One

Also, please visit to buy: Higher Purpose

Thank you.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Small One

A small one: 

it's not our job to change the world. As well, our role isn't to seek any changes from others, not from anyone really, no one. All responsibility for a better world lies solely within our mind - and of course this is the last place we ever we look to, always seeming like our hardest option. 

yet it's the only hope we have.

we are the salvation of the world. 

each of us.

yes, that's a bold claim, to be the salvation of the world is a heavy and awesome responsibility. That's why we start with a miracle, a small one, simple asking for another way to view the world. No one else might even notice the changes that occur, how we're now turning inwards for guidance and insight, no longer making such bold demands as to how we feel others should respond to us. 

what we're asking for here, the miracle that's requested...

is just a shift in our perception.

and then we live our life from there. 

a miracle, yes.

but a small one really.

and all we have to do is ask.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Better World

Also, please visit to buy: Happiness Now

Thank you.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A Better World

A better world: 

it comes down to our own self-importance, believing ourselves capable of casting judgement against others, and that by doing so we are elevated in some special way. Yet every judgement is a attack against ourselves, each thought of persecution being just another brick in a wall of perception that keeps us closed within a tight belief system which we project outward to the world.

we've literally judged the world into existence.

and that's where our suffering resides.

salvation lies in forgiveness, it's as simple as that, we forgive the illusion of this self created world and welcome the reality of a peaceful, truly loving life instead. What we're forgiving is the illusion of our perceptions, letting go of our beliefs that we are in anyway separate from the one we've judged. Most importantly, this includes forgiving ourselves for this false belief. 

with this, we see a different world. 

truly so.

and it all begins within, right now, we ask for the miracle of clarity, past our perceptions and into the clear light of our reality. We're all sinless. That's the truth that's presented to a peaceful mind, it's seen the very moment when even a single judgement is let go. 

try it.

and welcome to a better world.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Light of the World

Also, please visit to buy: Love is Letting Go of Fear

Thank you. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Light of the World

Light of the World: 

there's a reason we see the world as we do. Yoga and Buddhism have keen psychological insights into this called the kleshas, poisons of the mind, and they are explained as an entrapment of our perceptions, keeping us limited in our true vision. A Course in Miracles simply explains it as fear and that virtually all of our fears are caused by the thought of separation. 

we believe that we are apart from others.

each of us alone.


and with this we see a fearful world.

yet the traditions above also claim that there's a light within us all, a sense of divinity, love. Fear, thoughts of separation, and most of all the grievances we hold towards others act as clouds that keep this light from shining to the world. 

here's all we're asked to do -

through forgiveness we are healed, clouds that obscure our light part, and we now shine brightly to the world at large. It is that simple, truly so, but not always easy, as our grievances have a mighty hold and are stubborn to let go. 

but we have a lifetime to practice.

beginning right now. 

and it's always now my friends. 



Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: One by One 

Also, please visit: Don't Believe Everything You Think

Thank you. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

One by One

One by one: 

it's a healing lesson, as instructed by lesson 68 of A Course in Miracles, love holds no grievances and I take this fully to heart, one by one, as often as they still appear - 

each grievance let go to the light of love.

of course it's not quite so easy. 

there's still a part of me that seeks to hold mt every petty resentment as a means to justify the world I've created. Yet at the same time it's clear to me now that indeed, only love is real, and that the conditions I've created for an unloving world exist solely through my own projections. 

it's a world of my creation. 

and so too, it's my responsibility for it's healing.

letting go of each grievance,

one by one,

as often as they still appear.

until I see a world...

where only love is real. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Our Addictions

Also, please visit to buy: Love is Letting Go of Fear

Thank you.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Our Addictions

Our addictions: 

it's the most insidious of addictions, preceding every other one, and we're not even aware of it's existence - yet it's damage is evident thought out our lives. We're addicted to our own opinions, thoughts, and seldom, if ever, do we question if we're wrong. Yogic psychology calls this the five afflictions of the mind, kleshas, explaining how we are trapped within a thought matrix that's beyond our daily awareness. We simply don't know that we're addicted to patterns of behavior.

until we do.

and then everything begins to change with this awareness.

but slowly so.

the five kleshas are attachments, our aversions, belief that we are a small, separate entity called an ego, fear of death (the dying of ego) and perhaps the most insidious of all - ignorance that any of this is even so. We live our lives trapped within this play of patterns. They're never realized or questioned, and so it seems we that confidently stride through life believing that we're seldom wrong, loudly sharing our opinions, offering our thoughts as of they were truly our alone.

yet deep within, hidden almost completely from ourselves...

we know that we're wrong.

that it's all the voice of our addiction.

I love the simplicity that A Course in Miracles offers  - that what we're addicted to is fear, and it's a fear that we are small and alone, separate from each other and a greater source of love. It's this fear that we project within the world and this causes our perception. 

we live in a fearful world. 

until we don't.

and that's where miracles come in.

what we're asking for here, praying for really, is a shift in our perception, looking past the effects and going straight to the cause of our projections. We asking to go beyond our own fearful thinking. A miracle indeed - but one that is possible with just our asking.

we're asking to be healed of our addictions.

a different way of thinking.

and the answer to this is love.


so the good news is that healing our addiction is possible, once we're aware that our lives are untenable, and then discovering that there's another option. The opposite of fear is love, and knowing this, it becomes, more and more so, only what we  have to offer. The means of expressing love, extending it, is through kindness, compassion, and most of all - 

forgiving the illusion of our addictions.

it's with this...

the we see a completely different world.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Happiness 

Also, please visit to buy: The Kleshas: Exploring the Elusiveness of Happiness

Friday, August 16, 2024



there's an emphasis on happiness throughout A Course in Miracles, not a false one that is dependent upon any outer circumstance, but a happiness of depth and actual freedom from conditions of the world. I love that the course and it's what continuously draws me back to the Course, reminding me to practice forgiveness as my own healing and salvation. 

the trick is to not get hung up on the terms used, salvation being an example, doing I really need to be saved? And who exactly is the one in need of saving? There was a time when I would struggle with the language and miss the simplicity of the lessons. 

I am healed through the practice of forgiveness.

 that's my salvation. 

and therein lies my happiness. 

it's simply.



Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Light of the World

Also, please visit to buy: The Heart of a Course in Miracles

Thank you. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Light of the World

Light of the world: 

lesson 62 of A Course in Miracle states that forgiveness is my function as the light of the world - and this seems to sum up everything for me, purpose as well as function. I am the light of the world, my own illumination, and forgiveness serves to keep the world from adding layers of dark cloaks upon me, that I shine most bright when I am free of these illusions.

darkness comes with my thoughts of separation.

believing that I am other than what I am.

forgiveness shows me otherwise.

lesson 62 is just a meditation upon light, it reminds me that illumination is the ease and grace of simply being as I am, deeply so, and without any dark illusions from the world to cause me disbelief. It's so easy to be drawn back into my own perceptions, giving them a firm reality that only truly has a basis in my mind. My only wish has always been to be free, liberated in a sense, shining brightly as myself without the shade of thoughts that clouds my perception. 

forgiveness reminds me that I shine.

already free.

exactly as I am.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Writer's World

Also, please visit to buy: ACIM: Mentor Articles

Thank you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A Writer's World

A writer's world: 

there's always something to write about, subjects abound, and all we ever need to do is settle our minds for an instant and inspiration is immediately received. Writing really is that simple. Yes, sometimes there might come a struggle for just the right words to arrive, or perhaps a theme no longer seems to capture our imagination and our words begin to ring hollow. Everything's a possibility in a writer's world - except for failure of inspiration to be present in our lives, always available, guiding our minds.

a writers's world is inspired...

simply by virtue of being a writer.

everything's a story to be told.

and that's the secret to writing, for all artist really, to let go of our selective demands of inspiration and allow the world and it's infinite subjects to tell us its story. Imagine the stories an empty page or blank canvas holds for such an open mind. 


if we only remember to listen. 

Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Remembering

Also, please visit to buy: Writing Down the Bones

Thank you. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024



we're not asked to bypass any experience, there's no sweeping our wounds under a rug of forgiveness and claiming that we're healed. Forgiveness is feeling our every hurt so deeply that we finally ask for the healing we deserve, one that we've long denied ourselves. 

we're now ready to let go.

that's the important first step, asking for the means of our salvation.

and being ready to receive.

what's being asked for is to simply see things another way, not past our wounds, but all the way through them to the point of our original innocence. It's a place that's shared together, where all of us most truly belong. This is where we see the projection of guilt and betrayal, no longer seeking to blame and only wishing to be healed. 

it's home.

our original innocence.

and we all reside here.

there's no way to arrive here, it's not a destination. So we're not asking for directions, just for the obscuring clouds of painful memories to part long enough for our clear vision to return. That's it, the entirety of forgiveness - seeing our innocence once more.

clearly so.

remembering that we all belong here...

and that others have forgotten.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Tender Act

Also, please visit to buy: Seek, Not to Love

Thank you. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

A Tender Act

A tender act:

yoga is the path of forgiveness - maybe not seeming so at first thought, yet in order to practice anything effectively there must be an understanding that our previous attempts and misconceptions, our every misstep and misalignment, must be forgiven in order to proceed. 

each small correction of posture, breath and thought,

a tender act of self-compassion.

and with everything forgiven...

our path continues.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Morning Prayer

Also, please visit to buy: How Yoga Works

Thank you. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer:

for decades now I've had the ritual of morning prayer, a simple one, not petitionary, adopted from the German mystic Meister Eckhart and very brief in it's moment -

"if the only prayer you ever said was thank you, that would be enough"

no other prayer is needed.

and so my day begins with the prayer...

thank you, thank you, thank you. 

three times and with sincerity, not for repetition, but for sincerity, spontaneously arriving to my lips now after so many years of practice. I am thankful for the dawn of  a brand new day, that I woke from a deep slumber of nothingness to a world filled with everything I most truly need - and none of this was asked for, given by the grace of my existence.

thank you, thank you, thank you.

what more is there to say?


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Somewhere Between

Also, please visit to buy: The Way of Paradox

Thank you. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Somewhere Between

Somewhere between: 

it's the balancing asanas that teach me the most, showing me that the essence of yoga is not found through an extreme stretch, nor the length of a complicated pose - but that it's in the sway and settling, a point of poise and balance however brief...

the entirety of yoga is there.

what I love most is the surrender, especially Vrksasana, tree pose, and it seems I'm never steady for long before some unseen wind causes me to sway. If  I resist too strongly, I'm sure to fall, and yet without a counter measure there is no return to any sense of balance. The secret is always found through letting go, surrendering my actions to pose itself, trusting the balance of my branching arms as well as the deep rooted connection to the ground. 

that's where the magic happens.

somewhere between the sway and fall...

a true moment of poise is found.


if only for a moment.

and that's the entirety of yoga.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Krishna's Counsel

Also, please visit to find: The Story Behind the Poses

Thank you. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Krishna's Counsel

Krishna's counsel:

taking Krishna's wise counsel to heart right now, as best as I'm able, as he told Arjuna that he only has the right to his actions but never to the outcome, results always being in the hands of God. For me, it's the joy of being in nature, camera in hand, and capturing whatever it is that life offers me to film. I rely solely on what's presented, no editing or added music, only what's given.

and then I share. 

there's so little in my control here that it would be ridiculous to truly care about the results that follow. Yet, of course, I sometimes do, often to be quite honest. With the intent of earning a modest income through my own creative effort, and often being reminded of the difficulties of this endeavor - I find myself thinking of certain results, of views and likes, more than I care to admit too. 

it's a numbers game after all. 

so I'm reminded of  Krishna's counsel, the Bhagavad Gita is wisdom that never lets me down - and I allow myself to surrender. None of this is in my hands, I don't control what nature offers, nor the circumstances that bring me any object or event to film. I depend upon the whims of grace and nature, they direct me towards the exact place where I'm meant to be. 

why not trust life even further? 

allowing just the right people to find my work, trusting that the fruits of my effort belong to others now, my own work being released and done.


to greater hands than my own. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Along the Way

Also, please visit to buy: The Bhagavad Gita

Thank you.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Along the Way

Along the way: 

yoga is really a practice of forgiveness, and I mean the entirety of the path, from the first ethical restraints of the yamas to the conclusion of samadhi - we forgive along the way. It's a beautiful practice seen in this light, how everything is a means of self-forgiveness, correcting false perceptions, and finding meaning through minor adjustments of thought, breath, and posture. 

again, we forgive along the way.

and this path leads us through the world.

reaching others as we go.



Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Seen in an Instant

Also, please visit to buy: Heaven is Now

Thank you. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Seen in an Instant

Seen in an instant: 

there's another way to view the world, that's the promise of so many spiritual traditions, offering as much psychology as they do any sort of a religious belief system. Buddhism and yoga are virtually free of such dogma, only asking for practice and the end result of peace as proof for their effectiveness. Yet even these traditions have a more direct route, perhaps mystical would be the word, and they hold a deeper promise of a more profound transformation.

they show us another way to view the world.

often in an instant.

I've had the good fortune of being shown such direct methods, particularly through the experiments of Douglas Harding, the British mystic who instantly realized his own true nature and then spent his lifetime living from that perspective, teaching others to see as well. What I love about these experiments, what's termed the Headless Way, is indeed how direct it is, it can't really be missed. Yet more so, is that we're than invited to explore the world from this new vantage, a lifetime of seeing, a quiet way of knowing who we truly are. 

similarly, for me at least, is my long standing work through A Course in Miracles. It's much the same as yoga in its perspective, showing a clear sight of how the mind projects my perceptions, and then offers me another way to view the world. Yoga brings me a calmer mind, quieter, and my life proceeds from there. A Course in Miracle is the reminder of forgiveness, it's direct, and provides a means of instantly transforming my perception of the world.

it's all a practice for me.


seen in an instant.

and my life proceeds from there.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Free

Also, please visit to buy: It's All Mind

Thank you. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024



my thoughts have turned back to God recently, becoming more comfortable with this loaded word and allowing myself to sink beneath concepts and belief systems, experiencing again the sense of awe that was once invoked through contemplating a universe of mystery. It's not easy to drop those previous labels, and harder still to have a meaningful conversation with anyone who still wishes to defend a particular point of view. Mostly, I don't bother, it's energy wasted.

and I have better things to do.

it's not an easy topic to write of either, and really, I'm not even sure why I am, other than these words just keep appearing and it seems to be the subject for today. I have no point to make, nothing to defend and no new thoughts to offer. 

but I guess there's something for me to say here, that my experience of God is re-emerging as an undefined presence, all inclusive, and seems to be asking me to extend myself as love. I'm also being asked to forgive, not an actual request, no booming voice giving me a command, just a quiet, intuitive sense that deep forgiveness will lead me to an even greater sense of peace than ever known before. Which is amazing, as once, long ago, there was a great peace found in letting go my every thought of God. So, perhaps it's from this empty template that I begin again. 

with nothing added.

no beliefs, and free of concepts.

just forgiveness,

and love.

living my life from here.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Metaphysics

Also, please visit to buy: It's All Mind

Thank you.

Monday, August 5, 2024



without the metaphysics, there's still forgiveness, and that's what makes A Course in Miracles so meaningful for me. I love the unique concept in the Course that what is truly forgiven is the illusion of sin itself, I'm asked to forgive my grievances and resentments and not place the burden upon anyone else's actions. My only role is to see through my own mind stuff, my projections, and go straight to the shared innocence I share with others, not offering them forgiveness - 

just extending them love.

and with this...

my world is instantly forgiven.

the metaphysics of the Course explain this all so beautifully, it's an important concept that helps us understand the mechanics for this dynamic type of forgiveness. But if every explanation was dropped, no reasons given for why this is so beneficial - the value here would be intact, innate within the practice itself. That's enough for me, having found a definite freedom from a host of inner conflict that once kept me imprisoned within my mind. 

forgiveness is the key.


Peace, Eric 

To Read more from Headless Now, please visit: No Other Way

Also, please visit to buy: Practicing Forgiveness

Thank you. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

No Other Way

No other way:

new endeavors are always challenging, frightening sometimes, especially if it's a  great leap into the unknown and there's no certain outcome promised. For me, it's seeking to earn an income through means of my creativity, scary indeed, as every voice tells me of its near impossibility. Yet for some reason this is what I feel called to do, having a small platform of my own unique perspective and sharing it with the world. My goal is quite small really, earning juts enough for bills to paid, groceries bought, and perhaps buy a book or two with anything left over. 

and to do this all through the means of my creative effort.

I have no idea if this is even possible.

but I'm trying now.

so I'm on the edge here, treading a line of doubt and the hopeful thought of my success. It mostly feels as if I lean towards the side of fear, there's an underlying anxiety present that quietly erodes any sense of confidence. Yet, somehow, for reasons I don't really understand, I continue on, not by faith, nor even the faint hope of succeeding on what seems an impossible goal. 

I just do.

as if there's no other way of living...

than this.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit:  Undoing

Also, please visit to buy: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Thank you.

Saturday, August 3, 2024



practicing forgiveness has been the undoing of my personal world, it's letting go of the fortress of self that has kept me isolated within a realm of grievance and resentment. Most of this bitterness has been buried so deeply that I was no longer even aware of their existence, being too much a part of my everyday reality to notice. But they were acted upon through my filters of perception, projected outward, and they caused me to view the world a certain way. 

I lived my life based upon resentments.

judging everything.

yet thinking I was free.

of course even now I'm not completely free, but it's enough to see this is so, to keep practicing forgiveness within each moment that a trigger should arrive. Life is gracious that way, full of little gifts that act as opportunities to release all my most cherished resentments, letting them go, and with each moment I'm a little freer than before. 


and so my undoing continues...

until my personal world's forgiven.

completely so. 


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Confrontation

Also, please visit to buy: The Disappearing Universe

Thank you.