Sunday, August 18, 2024

One by One

One by one: 

it's a healing lesson, as instructed by lesson 68 of A Course in Miracles, love holds no grievances and I take this fully to heart, one by one, as often as they still appear - 

each grievance let go to the light of love.

of course it's not quite so easy. 

there's still a part of me that seeks to hold mt every petty resentment as a means to justify the world I've created. Yet at the same time it's clear to me now that indeed, only love is real, and that the conditions I've created for an unloving world exist solely through my own projections. 

it's a world of my creation. 

and so too, it's my responsibility for it's healing.

letting go of each grievance,

one by one,

as often as they still appear.

until I see a world...

where only love is real. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Our Addictions

Also, please visit to buy: Love is Letting Go of Fear

Thank you.

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