Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Seen in an Instant

Seen in an instant: 

there's another way to view the world, that's the promise of so many spiritual traditions, offering as much psychology as they do any sort of a religious belief system. Buddhism and yoga are virtually free of such dogma, only asking for practice and the end result of peace as proof for their effectiveness. Yet even these traditions have a more direct route, perhaps mystical would be the word, and they hold a deeper promise of a more profound transformation.

they show us another way to view the world.

often in an instant.

I've had the good fortune of being shown such direct methods, particularly through the experiments of Douglas Harding, the British mystic who instantly realized his own true nature and then spent his lifetime living from that perspective, teaching others to see as well. What I love about these experiments, what's termed the Headless Way, is indeed how direct it is, it can't really be missed. Yet more so, is that we're than invited to explore the world from this new vantage, a lifetime of seeing, a quiet way of knowing who we truly are. 

similarly, for me at least, is my long standing work through A Course in Miracles. It's much the same as yoga in its perspective, showing a clear sight of how the mind projects my perceptions, and then offers me another way to view the world. Yoga brings me a calmer mind, quieter, and my life proceeds from there. A Course in Miracle is the reminder of forgiveness, it's direct, and provides a means of instantly transforming my perception of the world.

it's all a practice for me.


seen in an instant.

and my life proceeds from there.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Free

Also, please visit to buy: It's All Mind

Thank you. 

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