Saturday, August 31, 2024

Everything We Need

Everything we need:

forgiveness offers everything I need - those are the words offered in Lesson 122 of A Course in Miracles and they immediately strike me with the absence of mentioning another. This lesson is all about me and that's vitally important with forgiveness. Yes, others most certainly do benefit from our practice, the world itself becomes a brighter place due to the change of our perception. But forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves, no one else is really involved accept for a brief moment recalled as we let transgressions go, surrendering to our new reality.

forgiveness offers everything we need.

what we gain here is tremendous, we have freed energy for our benefit, serenity follows, and true peace becomes an actuality. It's amazing to consider, so much effort given to holding onto a the past, grievances consuming such a large amount of our creativity and vitality. Letting go of resents heals us, we're free, lighter, and have so much more to give to the world. 

honestly, it takes so little effort...

we just let go,

accepting only the present moment.

continuously so.

until we truly see that only love is real.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Invitations

Also, please visit to buy: The Forgiveness Book

Thank you.

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