Thursday, August 29, 2024

One Problem

One problem:

in lesson 79 of A Course in Miracles we are asking to recognize the problem so it can be solved, and with this it's seen that, ultimately, there's only one problem and, therefore, there's only one solution. This simplifies things greatly for us, as every issues comes down to how we view the world, and all we ever need to do is ask for the miracle of a revelation, asking to see the true cause of every problem.

we believe that we are separate from our source.

and that the answer is beyond us.

one problem.

only one solution.

the answer here is clear seeing, we ask for the revelation of light so that the world is illuminated by the understanding that nothing is truly beyond us. No problem can be separate from it's resolution, no question removed from it's answer. We ask for a miracle so that our perception can be changed, obstacles seen through as illusions, and that the solution to what appears to be multiple problems arrives in the simplicity of a direct revelation....

nothing is ever separate from it's source. 

and therein lies our peace of mind,


Peace, Eric 

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