Wednesday, August 28, 2024



forgiveness is difficult as long as I'm alone in attempting this endeavor, trying to do the impossible, and it's only through being humbled by my inability to truly forgive - that I finally approach a complete surrender, asking for the grace and ease of a miracle, 

and it's then that peace is found.

I only ever had to ask.

the miracle is a mind shift, I'm asking for my perception of a given event, person, or situation to be changed so that I may view the world a different way. I can't do this alone, my every attempt in the past has left me angry and confused. Forgiveness is the work of miracles, and we're all entitled to them, continuously so - 

but we do have to ask.

for some,  it might be easier to invoke the presence of a holy figure that seems to hold the entirety of a loving universe within their gaze. For others, maybe an impersonal force love will work just fine. It doesn't really matter, it's being willing to surrender that gives cause to miracles, a true wish to let go of every grievances that imprisons us in a world of hate and resentments. 

yet it's the asking that triggers a response.

only then will a miracle occur.

it's all we have to do.

sincerely so.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Of Wounds and Harm

Also, please visit to buy: The Mindless Madness of Miscreation

Thank you. 

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