Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Of Wounds and Harm

Of wounds and harm:

the problem is that we still believe that forgiveness is something that we bestow upon another, a gift of benevolence that's given to one that harmed us, demonstrating that we are larger than the hurt that they deliberately or accidentally delivered. This belief keeps us trapped within an illusion of lingering wounds, that we forgive only when we're healed and not a moment sooner. 

yet forgiveness itself is the healing.

it's what we offer to ourselves.

never truly about another.

what we're asking for is a miracles, one that we're entitled to, being the birthright of our existence. A miracles here is a change of perception, we ask to see the world in a different way, one that isn't based upon the ego's wounds. This simply means...from my innocence to yours, true seeing, that we are both invulnerable to harm. Forgiveness is a gift of freedom given to ourselves, a recognition that we are large and spacious by design and that only false beliefs keep us trapped within a painful world. With this gift also comes discernment, freedom means that we see clearly the wounds of another and how they are projected. We look past their pain, lovingly so, and now see only their original innocence matching our own, and this puts us in a position to no longer add our pain to theirs. 

we're free from harm.


as well as theirs.

and that's what forgiveness offers.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Right Words

Also, please visit to buy: Be Kind, for Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Hard Battle

Thank you. 

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