Friday, August 23, 2024

Amor Fati

Amor fati: 

amor fati, translated from Latin as love your fate, and made best known by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It's a valuable concept to explore, to cultivate, as it asks us to live our lives with a certain enthusiasm for all that happens - even, or perhaps especially, the most difficult aspect that occur. This, of course, is a more elaborate philosophy explained in full, but the simplicity and beauty of amor fati is found within each moment.

this is it.

whatever's happening now...

it's the only thing happening that can occur.

this isn't mere resignation, nor blind acceptance without hope for change. It's much more powerful, indeed granting our enthusiasm the ability to transform every experience as necessary by it's appearance. It's with this that we become capable of transcending survival and arriving into the realm of possibility, enlightened even, as we're now in the very seat of power.

this moment...being all we have.

and greeted fully with the absolute love -

of being exactly as we are,

right now.


Peace, Eric 

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